Öland has been a creative island for a long time. Artists, designers, and now more than ever, producers of food of various kind live and prosper here. Farmers have always played an important role on Öland, but today also the companies that process and refine grow in importance.

The creativity is great, Wineries, Bean crisps, Chocolate and Rapeseed oil to name a few of the products that are emerging.





In other areas outside the food we have Ribes leather, Resmo Pottery, Lotta & Mary, and all the craftsmen on Öland.

Common to both food and other product areas, is that they are now beginning to receive more attention, and not only in Sweden but also abroad. We believe that Öland, with its own special character and tradition is a strong brand that can gain great success in the Swedish and International market place.

This is something that we would like to highlight and expose. We will present Made on Öland under two headings here on Visitoland.com, EAT where we have the area of food manufacturers and under DO where we under Made On Oland will presents all other non-food producers.

To further support this development, will we later this year start a new website under the name madeonoland.com. On madeonoland.com we will expose all the designers and manufacturers we have here on the island of Öland, this to show Sweden and the rest of the world what this creative Island has to offer.

MADEONOLAND.COM will be a showroom for products Made On Öland, a showroom to show the world what Öland stands for, what Öland produce and give the world the opportunity to take part of it.


 ÖLAND for us is: The Island of the Sun, the Taste and the Senses.