Albrunna lund (grove)
As a green oasis between the “Alvar” and arable land lies Albrunna lund (grove). Here you can enjoy the rich birdlife and flora.
Location: Southern Öland
Beijershamn is, together with Ottenby, one of Ölands best and most well known bird habitats.
Location: Southern Öland
Bjärby & Lilla Dalby Alvar (moor)
Lilla Dalby and Bjärby alvar is varied with wetlands, wooded ridges and open rocky Alvar (moor).
Location: Southern Öland
Böda East Coast
One of Sweden’s largest areas of sand dunes is located to the west and to the north of Böda Bay, and the largest dune in the area, Bölinge backe, is about 10 metres high
Location: Northern Öland
Byrums Raukar (Limestone tower rauk)
At Byrum you find Öland's most famous and best shaped rauk area.
Location: Northern Öland
The Dröstorp Nature Reserve welcomes visitors to the topographically most varied parts of the Stora Alvar area of limestone, which features a very rich flora and fauna
Location: Southern Öland
Along with Beijershamn, Eckelsudde is a prime location along Öland’s west coast for resting and migrating birds
Location: Southern Öland
Gynge & Möckelmossen
Anyone who travels along the classic route between Resmo and Stenåsa will encounter a magnificent limestone alvar landscape.
Location: Southern Öland
Halltorp Nature Reserve hosts one of northern Europe's most valuable hardwood forests and the area has one of the country's richest selections of species
Location: Central Öland
Högenäs orde
Few places are as lovely as Högenäs orde. From the beacon on the ridge there is a magnificent view of the glittering Baltic Sea.
Location: Northern Öland
Horns kungsgård (Horn’s crown demesne)
Horns kungsgård can be said to sum up much of Öland's natural beauty and uniqueness. Most of Öland’s various habitats are represented here.
Location: Northern Öland
Hulterstad Alvar
Hulterstad alvar is an open and beautiful area of limestone where hoary rock-roses bloom in June and biting stonecrop lights up the expansive gravel alvar areas later in the summer
Location: Southern Öland
Few places on Öland can compete with Jordtorpsåsen in terms of varied scenery offering recreational opportunities and great excursions.
Location: Central Öland
Karum in central Öland is a unique agricultural landscape with traces from many different periods going back to the Iron Age.
Location: Central Öland
Knisa mosse (Knisa Alvar lake)
Knisa mosse (Shallow calcareous lake) is one of Öland’s few un-drained wetlands.
Location: Northern Öland
Lilla horns löväng (Little horn’s wooded meadow)
Lilla Horns löväng is a wooded hay meadow and is one of Öland's few remaining real meadows.
Location: Northern Öland
Lindreservatet (Linden Nature Reserve)
Lindreservatet is one of Öland's finest nature reserves. It features hardwood forests, pine forests, open pastures, limestone alvar, marshes and vegetation-rich hay meadows.
Location: Northern Öland
Naturum, Ottenby
Here, in cooperation with the Swedish Ornithological Society (Ottenby Bird Observatory) a unique exhibition about birds and nature on Öland has been created.
Location: Southern Öland
Neptuni åkrar (Fields of Neptune)
Linnaeus provided the name Neptuni åkrar, and tourists and locals alike flock here when viper's-bugloss is flowering against the grey-white limestone
Location: Northern Öland
Sweden's most visited area of nature and the country’s most internationally renowned location for migratory birds. Walking trails, a bird museum, a visitor centre and the lighthouse Långe Jan (Tall Jan).
Location: Southern Öland
Petgärde and Djurstad
One of Öland’s wetlands, where birds such as Montagu's harrier, western marsh harrier, red-necked grebe, water rail, spotted crake and common snipe breed
Location: Northern Öland
Located in the heart of Mittland (Midland) forest and consisting of various deciduous forests. The Rönnerum fornby (ancient village) is situated in the middle of the area.
Location: Central Öland
Södra Greda (Southern Greda)
A glimpse of paradise! This provides the very best a wooded meadow on Öland can offer!
Location: Northern Öland
Södviks sjömarker (shoreline wetlands)
Some of the county’s most beautiful and most valuable coastal meadows, created by millennia of grazing, are located along the shores of Södvik bay.
Location: Northern Öland
Solberga Alvar
The hoary rock-rose blooms plentifully on the weathered limestone bedrock and there are a number of Iron Age burial sites in the area
Location: Southern Öland
Stormaren, the deepest of the alvar lakes, is a bird sanctuary where several seabird species breed.
Location: Southern Öland
The west coast of Böda
Here you can walk in the kingdom of windswept old pines, experience the mighty dunes and caress soft pebbles.
Location: Northern Öland
Trollskogen (The enchanted forest)
Trollskogen is situated at the tip of Öland's north-eastern cape and is an old coniferous forest that has been given a distinct character as a result of cattle grazing
Location: Northern Öland
Vickleby ädellövskog (Vickleby broadleaf forest)
Here rode Linnaeus in the 18th century and thought it was "The most beautiful grove you've ever seen."
Location: Southern Öland
Vickleby Alvar
On Vickleby Alvar one can experience the splendour of Öland’s orchids and the Resmo Zone with its underground streams
Location: Southern Öland