Maten och allt gott på Öland!

Caffer på Öland

Coffe shops

Restauranger på Öland


Öländska matproducenter - matproducenter från Öland

Food manufacturer

Puber och barer på Öland

Pub & Bar

Regional matkultur - Öland

Culinary Heritage

"Culinary Heritage" is a quality and guarantee symbol of food and raw materials that have a local or regional affiliation.

Ölands Krögarförening

Öland restaurateurs association

The restaurateurs association of Öland, develops and processes, cooks and serves, from the great and unique pantry of Öland.

Mat från Öland

Taste of Öland

On Öland, you will find the genuine and original, the locally grown, and you will also find a big influence from the world around. Öland is the Island of the great flavors.

Ölands nya rivera och mötespunkt

Öland, the Island of the Tastes!

Öland the Island of the Sun, the taste and the senses! Here a bit about the Island of the taste, and the gold that are growing on our fields for the moment.

Öland Sprouts 2024

Öland Sprouts marks the start of spring. Then we serve and cater for all of your senses, Art, Food, Animals and Nature, here are always something for everyone. This year's theme is Garden, Nature and Rural Life. Come and welcome the spring on Öland and tickle your senses.

Spirar och skördar på Öland