12. Möckelmossen

  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
Address: Stenåsavägen, 380 62 Mörbylånga, Sverige
Location: Southern Öland
GPS: 56.52804, 16.51992


Möckelmossen is the largest wetland at the “Stora Alvar” (the unique and typical moor of Öland), with a parking lot along the road between Resmo and Stenåsa. The area is an accessible starting point for studying the birdlife of the “Alvar”. The wetland is located one kilometer north of the parking lot.

The surrounding Alvar land doesn’t harbor a great diversity of species, but the density of Northern Wheatears, Whinchat’s, Linnets and Skylarks impresses.

At the wetland, Montagu’s harriers are often seen and in recent years even the new breeding bird Whooper Swans. Also, keep an eye out for the overflying birds of prey, watch for Black Terns over the wetland and listen for the melancholy whistle of the character species Golden Plover “alvargrimman”(the name it’s called on Öland) that occasionally occur nearby.

Möckelmossen are especially worth visiting during spring and summer. Early autumn can also offer considerable amounts of overnight Cranes.

We have problems with Google maps, and in our map is pointing out just the right roaud, but far away from the parking lot, but our GPS code goes directly to the parking lot, and the map below is acurate. 


Hitta hit

Området nås lätt från ResmoStenåsavägen. Vid Möckelmossen finns parkering, informationsplats och toaletter.

GPS koordinater till parkeringen WGS 84 decimal (lat, long): 56.52804 , 16.51992


© Lantmäteriverket, Ur Geografiska Sverigedata, översiktskartan Dnr. 106-2004/188”


Slideshow pictures: Montagu’s Harrier © LL, Whinchat © MT, Common Linnet © LL, Golden Plover © LL, Eurasian Skylark © OF, Northern Wheatear © LL

LL: Lars Lundmark, MT Markus Tallroth, OF: Ottenby Fågelstation

Source: Ölands Fåglar © Ölands Ornitologiska Förening ÖOF  (authors this chapter: Pav Johnsson)

Translation: Visitoland.com

The book: Ölands Fåglar, 496 pages (only in Swedish), can be ordered at Naturbokhandeln
ISBN: 9789188124555


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