J.A.G.S. Museum

  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
Address: NEDRA SEGERSTAD 118, 380 65 Degerhamn, Sverige
Phone: 0485-66 40 22, 66 40 89
E-mail: jags@telia.com
Hemsida: J.A.G.S. Museum
Location: Southern Öland
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Welcome to Gustav-Jons world of fantasy, created by characters from fairy tales, myths, history and the Bible.

Gustaf Jon has created folklore and folk art just like two other well known Swedish artists Döderhultarn from Småland and Lim Johan from Hälsingland, but with a special character from the Alvar of Öland and the barren coast. The dream was his reality, and it is no wonder that his contemporaries regarded the colorful wooden sculptures and paintings with great awe.



Johan August Gustafsson “1852-1932” lived all his life in Segerstads parish in the southeastern Öland. He was a farmer and sailor, but above all he was an artist, sculptor and furniture maker. All his life besides farming, he used to sculpt the material he found in the sea and on the beach.

The sea and boats were an important part of his life. He made many ship paintings and ship models. The farm which he cultivated lay next to the Baltic Sea that inspired him and gave material to the artworks. When ship sank, he got wood to his characters. Otherwise, it was the small Bible, illustrated by Gustave Doré which provided material for “King Pharaoh and his crew”, his most famous sculpture.

As his last wish, he wrote in his will that the collection would be displayed and cared for in his home parish.


The Museum

Permanent exhibition.

The museum consists of a permanent exhibition, the Gustaf Jons collection, here you can see his work collected in one place and follow through his artistry.

Temporary exhibitions

In addition to the permanent exhibition, temporary exhibitions with various artists are presented during the season, exciting known and unknown artists, always worth a visit, see website for current exhibition.