ParaFly Sydsvenska Skärmflygskolan

  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
Address: Lundegård 1, 387 96 Köpingsvik, Sverige
Phone: 070-554 15 71
Hemsida: ParaFly Sydsvenska Skärmflygskolan
Location: Northern Öland
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We at Parafly teach you to be a free flight or paramotor pilot. Our school is in Växjö in spring and autumn, in the summer months we are at Lundegårds Camping on Öland, see under BO/ Camping. There are many of us who dream of flying free as birds, and closer to this is hard to come.

With us you will learn how to handle your paraglider and equipment safely.

We start with a student license which means that you get to practice balancing the glider on the ground and do glides in slopes on your own. During training we alternate theory with practice, depending on the weather.

Are you 4-6 and there are conditions where you live, we can come to you and do the training. When student course have finished you select the certificate you want Engine, Towing, Ridge Soaring or Mountain.


Paramotor the easiest way to get a lot of time in the air.

The car is fully packed, motor, paraglider, and the other equipment is in the trunk and you have finished the job, the weather is perfect for a flight. You can be ready about 15 minutes after you arrive at your launch pad, which can be a field near where you live, one-hour flight and pack the equipment in the trunk again and you still have time to mow the lawn and eat supper with your family.


Tandem, try on

We fly tandem paramotor and towing the year around. Go into our shop and buy a gift certificate and surprise a friend with a fantastic flight over Småland, natural beauty with lakes and forests, or why not treat yourself to this. You need no prior knowledge to try paragliding.

A happy mood will get you far.

