Hulterstad Lantgård B&B

  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
Address: Hulterstad 109, 386 62 Mörbylånga, Sverige
Phone: 0485-450 02
Location: Southern Öland
Bo på Lantgård

Husdjur tillåtna ♦ Kokmöjligheter ♦

Welcome to stay at our farm.

In the middle of World Heritage in the southeast of Öland, is the row village Hulterstad situated. Here you can unwind and enjoy in a pleasant environment. Walk down to the meadows and listen to the ocean or check out the birds. The early risers may see a lovely sunrise. Go up on the moor and enjoy its unique flora and fauna, and perhaps a colorful sunset. Talk to our cows, horses, dogs and cats … Why miss a holiday on southeastern Öland?


The farm

We are operate an active farm with nature care. Our cows grazing with their calves at the Alvar (the unique and typical moor of Öland) and meadows and keeps the land open so it becomes rich of bird and plant life. We who work at the farm and take care of you is Sven and Jenny, the older generation on the farm and one son, Michael married to Maria and the kids Emmys, Rasmus and Hugo.


The rooms

The red house is for our guests. Here you are coming to made beds. We have four 2-bed rooms, two toilets, two showers, kitchen and living room with TV and a small “Öland Library” for our guests. In the morning we serve a rich breakfast buffet in the kitchen and those who wish to sit out in the garden and enjoy the view of the Baltic Sea and/or the swallow’s energetic hunt for food. The fully equipped kitchen can be used by guests at other times.


Hulterstad and its surroundings

East of the village is a restored wetland that is a bird sanctuary, called “Görans dämme”. There are also ancient meadows with many orchids. West of the village is the great “Alvar”, with its unbroken horizon and unique flora with species found only here, here you can find peace, tranquility and silence.


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