
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
  • Visit Öland
Address: Byxelkroksvägen 51, 380 75 Byxelkrok, Sverige
Phone: 0485-281 21
Homepage Kvarngården
Location: Northern Öland
Book direct by: booking.com

Restaurang ♦ Dusch/Bad på rummet ♦ Kokmöjligheter ♦

Rooms & Cottages

Kvarngården have 4 cottages, from 3 to 6 beds and cooking facilities, three of the cabins have shower and toilet, and one with shower and toilet in separate houses. There are also two rooms, one with a shower and toilet in the room and the other in the hallway. See website for descriptions.


The food

The restaurant has 85 seats indoors in old convivial environment, and outdoor seating in the garden with about 100 seats.

Lunch menu during the day and Alá cart menu in the evenings, fully licensed.

Patisserie & Café, Freshly baked breakfast buns and bread, pastries, cakes, plus the famous waffles.

Kebab cuisine, offers Kebab in various forms, hamburgers and hotdogs.

Candy Land, here you will find sweets and ice cream.



Mini golf and Playland, popular for old and young.

Live music at Kvarnen every Saturday




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