19. Gräsgårds hamn (harbour)
GPS: 56.31727, 16.53191
Gräsgårds hamn (harbour)
Another way to get to Gammalsbyören is to start from Gräsgårds hamn (harbour), which is well signposted from the eastern main road north of the village of Gräsgård.
Just as “Seby läge”, this harbour is a great place to watch migratory birds in the autumn. Take cover behind the boathouses, or look for small birds in the few trees and shrubs that are adjacent to the port, or watch the gulls standing on the pier or on the rocks outside.
Just north of the harbour area, directly behind the fishing magazine, is a little hidden platform that provides a good view and often gives good shelter.
Slideshow pictures: Great Black-backed Gull © LL, Caspian Gull © MT, Yellow-legged Gull © LL, Terek Sandpiper © LL, Glaucous Gull © LL
LL: Lars Lundmark, MT Markus Tallroth
Source: Ölands Fåglar © Ölands Ornitologiska Förening ÖOF (authors this chapter: Pav Johnsson)
Translation: Visitoland.com
The book: Ölands Fåglar, 496 pages (only in Swedish), can be ordered at Naturbokhandeln
ISBN: 9789188124555
- 18. Seby läge and Gammalsbyören
- 20. Ottenby area